February 2025
Prof. Radulaski delivers an ECE colloquium at Cornell University.
January 2025
R-Lab welcomes 2025 with a holiday brunch and a White Elephant gift exchange!
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk at Photonic West.
December 2024
Congratulations to Victoria Norman for completing her PhD (thesis link)! Victoria will continue her academic career as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge.
November 2024
Prof. Radulaski delivers an ESE seminar at the University of Pennsylvania.
Pranta Saha delivers two guest lectures on Quantum Sensing at the Colorado School of Mines.
October 2024
R-Lab goes to a pumpkin patch and finds a path through the Guinness Record biggest corn maze.
Alex Rubin delivers an invited talk at the QSCOUT users' meeting at Sandia National Lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Professor Radulaski, Alex Rubin, and Nathan Gonzalez present a talk, speak on a quantum computing panel and present a poster on quantum simulation at Noyce Foundation Symposium at UC Irvine.
Alex Rubin presents at the UC Davis Physics Department condensed matter lunch seminar.
September 2024
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety who received The Richard and Joy Dorf Graduate Student Award for his PhD thesis Triangular Cross-Section Photonics in 4H-Silicon Carbide for Quantum Information Processing.
Welcome to our new PhD students - Nathan Gonzalez and Md. Asif Adib who will start UC Davis Physics program this fall.
Prof. Radulaski receives a collaborative NSF grant Teaching Quantum Sensing to Undergraduate Engineers lead by Prof. Lincoln Carr, Colorado School of Mines.
August 2024
Victoria Norman and Elnaz Hamdarsi present posters at the Gordon Conference on Defects in Semiconductors.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a seminar at TU Munich, Germany.
R-Lab visits Mueller Lab at TU Munich as a part of BaCaTeC supported collaboration on integrated quantum photonic technologies.
High school students, Ella Amirtharajah and Elena Mora, complete their project in the Quantum Explorers summer research program with R-Lab.
Pranta Saha delivers a seminar at the Weigg group at TU Munich, Germany.
July 2024
Congratulations to Pranta Saha on winning a poster award at the 816. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Silicon Carbide: Classical and Quantum Technologies in Bad Honnef, Germany.
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk and Pranta Saha and Alex Rubin present posters at the 816. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Silicon Carbide: Classical and Quantum Technologies in Bad Honnef, Germany.
R-Lab receives a new collaborative from the UC Noyce Foundation for collaboration on integrated photonics for scalable ion traps project in collaboration with Andrew Jayich (UCSB), Hartmut Haeffner (UCB) and Maxim Shcherbakov (UCI).
June 2024
R-Lab launches Quantum Explorers summer program for high school research experience in quantum information technologies.
R-Lab hosts CITRIS undergraduate interns Akhileswara Thimmapuram, UC Davis ECE and Ayush Gilotra, UC Davis Physics for an 8-week program.
Congratulations to Rahul Bandyophadyay on graduating from UC Davis with an MSc in ECE. Rahul is headed for a PhD program in quantum information at the University of Leiden.
Congratulations to R-Lab undergraduates Zbynka Kekula and Jack Xiang on graduating from UC Davis ECE.
R-Lab receives UC Davis New Research and Scholarship Initiatives and Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Grant for collaboration with Aggarwal group, UC Davis Physics on strain engineering in color centers.
Congratulations to Victoria Norman on defending her PhD thesis in the UC Davis Physics Department!
Pranta Saha delivers an invited talk at CITRIS-SJCOE K-12 Educator Institute.
Pranta Saha delivers an invited talk at CITRIS-SJCOE K-12 Computer Chip & AI Engineering Institute.
Pranta Saha delivers an invited talk at CITRIS Inspire BE STARSE Future Scientists and Engineers Workshop.
May 2024
New preprint by S. Majety, V. A. Norman, P. Saha, A. H. Rubin, S. Dhuey, M. Radulaski, "Wafer-Scale Integration of Freestanding Photonic Devices with Color Centers in Silicon Carbide" is now available on arXiv.
Alex Rubin attends a quantum information workshop at Les Houches.
Congratulations to Pranta Saha for being awarded the Smita Bakshi Digital Teaching and Learning award by the UC Davis ECE department!
April 2024
Congratulations to Jeanette Simo for winning the undergraduate poster award at the UC Davis ECExpo!
Congratulations to Alex Rubin for an honorable mention in the NSF GRFP selection.
March 2024
Congratulations to Zainab Rizvi on graduating from UC Davis Computer Science!
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety on defending his PhD thesis! You can find the thesis here. Sridhar's next career step is with Intel.
Prof. Radulaski and Zbynka Kekula are featured for the International Women's Day in UC Davis articles by the College of Engineering and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
Prof. Radulaski speaks with the UC Davis Club of Future Female Electrical Engineers.
February 2024
Brinda Puri graduates from the R-Lab and takes off for an internship at the LED company Watchfire Signs.
Sridhar Majety delivers a talk on Triangular 4H-SiC Quantum Nanophotonics at HPE Labs.
January 2024
Victoria Norman delivers a UC Davis Physics Colloquium Measurements of NIR quantum nanophotonics in the ICECAP system.
Jeanette Simo and Damien Bowen present posters on cryogenic spectroscopy of quantum emitters and the Tavis-Cummings model with three-level systems at the UC Davis Physics Undergraduate Review meeting.
Jeanette Simo presents a poster on cryogenic spectroscopy of quantum emitters at APS CUWiP at Stanford/SLAC.
New preprint by V. A. Norman, S. Majety, A. H. Rubin, P. Saha, J. Simo, B. Palomarez, L. Li, P. B. Curro, S. Dhuey, S. Virashawmy, and M. Radulaski, ICECAP: a 3-in-1 integrated cryogenic system for emission, collection and photon-detection from near infrared quantum nanophotonic devices is now available on arXiv.
R-Lab welcomes 2024 with a White Elephant Party!
December 2023
R-Lab receives CITRIS Seed funding for collaborative project Advanced nanofabrication of semiconductor quantum hardware based on silicon color centers with Prof. Alp Sipahigil's group at UC Berkeley.
R-Lab receives a user grant from the DOE-funded LBNL Molecular Foundry for advanced silicon photonic device fabrication.
Prof. Radulaski presents virtually at the Photonics Day event organized by the Optica chapter at the University of Belgrade.
Victoria Norman delivers a seminar at University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Victoria Norman presents a talk Silicon carbide nano pillars with integrated NV centers at Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP) in Canberra, Australia.
Pranta Saha visits Prof. Kai Mueller's group at TU Munich as a part of the BaCaTeC collaborative project on quantum integrated circuits.
November 2023
R-Lab receives Bavaria-California Technology Center (BaCaTeC) follow-on funding for a collaborative project on quantum integrated circuits with Prof. Kai Mueller at TU Munich, Germany.
New preprint by S. Majety, P. Saha, Z. Kekula, S. Dhuey and M. Radulaski, Triangular Cross-Section Beam Splitters in Silicon Carbide for Quantum Information Processing is now available on arXiv.
R-Lab goes to Sacramento for a fall social and tenure celebration brunch (photo).
October 2023
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk at 25th SQuInT conference in Albuquerque, NM.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a virtual seminar at San Francisco State University.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a virtual seminar at Sonoma State University.
R-Lab organizes and hosts the UC Davis Quantum Computing Workshop for High School Seniors.
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk at the APS Far West Section Meeting in San Diego, CA.
Rahul Bandyopadhyay delivers a talk about testing Lindblad symmetries using efficient quantum algorithms at the Southwest Quantum Information and Technology Workshop in Albuquerque, NM.
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk and Sridhar Majety presents a poster on scalable quantum photonics devices at the Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science conference in Tacoma, WA.
September 2023
Welcome to our new PhD students - Elnaz Hamdarsi and Liang-Jyun Wang! Both are starting in the ECE department this fall.
New preprint by R. Bandyopadhyay, A. H. Rubin, M. Radulaski and M. Wilde, Efficient quantum algorithms for testing symmetries of open quantum systems is now available on arXiv.
Alex Rubin spends a month at LBNL Advanced Quantum Testbed as a part of the MRPI CIRQIT collaboration.
August 2023
Victoria Norman delivers an invited talk at the 2023 Molecular Foundry Annual User Meeting Symposium - Defects by Design in 2D and 3D Materials: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations in Berkeley, CA.
Pranta Saha presents a poster on advanced nanofabrication of quantum nanophotonic devices via angled ion beam etching at the 2023 Molecular Foundry Annual User Meeting, Berkeley, CA.
Pranta Saha delivers an invited talk at the 2023 SiC/WBG Materials & Devices Workshop in Atlanta, GA.
July 2023
Congratulations to Prof. Radulaski on being promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure!
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk at IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series in Italy.
June 2023
Alex Rubin presents R-Lab's collaborative work with LBNL Advanced Quantum Testbed at Optica Quantum 2.0 in Denver, CO.
Sridhar Majety and Prof. Radulaski publish a News & Views article "Writing above the bandgap" in Nature Materials.
May 2023
Prof. Radulaski presents at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) Summit in Berkeley, CA.
Congratulations to Pranta Saha who has received UC Davis ECE Advance to Candidacy Fellowship.
Prof. Radulaski and Pranta Saha present an invited talk and a poster at Optica CLEO in San Jose, CA.
April 2023
Congratulations to Eliana Mann and colleagues at the Quantum Computing Club for winning the UC Davis Picnic Day Trophy for Exploring Advances in Science and Technology.
Prof. Radulaski receives 2023 Outstanding Junior Faculty Award by UC Davis College of Engineering.
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Jack Xiang, a computer science senior with strong quantum information training. Jack will be working on a quantum computing project.
R-Lab welcomes a new graduate researcher - Rahul Bandyopadhyay, a MSc student in electrical and computer engineering with strong quantum information background. Rahul will work on open quantum system exploration on NISQ computers.
March 2023
Prof. Radulaski delivers a seminar at the California State University in Sacramento.
February 2023
R-Lab awarded funding by the National Science Foundation to work on electronic-photonic systems-on-chip for computation, communication and sensing lead by Vladimir Stojanovic, UC Berkeley.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a virtual physics seminar at University of Southern Florida Physics.
Prof. Radulaski speaks on the Hardware Approaches to Qubits Panel at IEEE Design Con in Santa Clara, CA.
January 2023
Congratulations to Eliana Mann whose team won Quantum Game Hackathon at UC Davis.
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk at PQE conference in Utah.
Prof. Radulaski will serve on the Molecular Foundry Review Board.
Sridhar Majety and Prof. Radulaski elected to serve on the Molecular Foundry User Executive Committee.
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Zbynka Kekula, a computer science and engineering junior. Zbynka has programming research experience in neuroscience and is an officer at the UC Davis Quantum Computing Club. She will work on photonic design of silicon carbide devices.
December 2022
Prof. Radulaski receives the AFOSR Young Investigator Award for the project Triangular Photonic Crystals with Integrated Color Centers for Quantum Mesh Photonics in Silicon Carbide [announcement, news].
Prof. Radulaski receives UC MRPI funding as a PI of the project CIRQIT - Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research in Quantum Information Topics, in collaboration with Prof. Siddiqi (UCB), Prof. Tian (UCM) and Prof. Scalettar (UCD).
R-Lab is granted a Sandia QSCOUT user project in collaboration with Prof. Marinkovic (ETH)
November 2022
Sridhar Majety delivers a Physics Seminar at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India.
Prof. Radulaski and Victoria Norman attend Noyce Initiative Symposium at UC Santa Barbara.
October 2022
R-Lab goes to a pumpkin patch for a fall social event.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a MS&E Seminar at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Prof. Radulaski receives a UC Davis College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award.
September 2022
R-Lab has been awarded a Noyce Initiative UC Partnership for Computational Transformation Grant entitled Simulation of quantum optical phenomena on a superconducting quantum computer for collaborative work with Siddiqi group at UC Berkeley and the Advanced Quantum Testbed at Berkeley Lab.
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Zainab Rizvi, a computer science junior with extensive programing and quantum computing knowledge. Zainab will work on NISQ quantum algorithms for cavity quantum electrodynamics simulation.
Prof. Radulaski gives an Optica Webinar Leveraging Silicon Carbide Defects to Build Quantum Information Hardware.
R-Lab welcomes a new Ph.D. student - Alex Rubin. Alex is a physicist with R&D experience in laser and quantum computing companies and an undergraduate degree from Stony Brook University.
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety who has been awarded Khadar B. Shaik Memorial Award.
Congratulations to Pranta Saha who has been awarded Smita Bakshi digital learning teaching award.
Prof. Radulaski gives a tutorial Silicon Carbide Defects as a Backbone of Quantum Technology at the 19th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM) in Davos, Switzerland.
Prof. Radulaski gives a seminar in the Inspiring Scientists and Engineers series at the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering.
Victoria Norman and Prof. Radulaski publish a News & Views article Quantum underpinnings of an all-photonic switch in Nature Physics.
New preprint by M.K. Marinkovic and M. Radulaski, Complexity reduction in resonant open quantum system Tavis-Cummings model with quantum circuit mapping is now on arXiv.
Eliana Mann and Pranta Saha are elected into project lead roles at the UC Davis Quantum Computing Club.
August 2022
Prof. Radulaski gives an Advanced Quantum Testbed Colloquium at Berkeley Lab entitled Quantum Circuit Mapping of Open Quantum Systems in Cavity QED.
Sridhar Majety presents an invited talk at the SPIE Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems conference in San Diego.
Sridhar Majety presents a poster at the 2022 Molecular Foundry User Meeting in Berkeley.
Victoria Norman and Pranta Saha present posters at the Gordon Research Conference on Defects in Semiconductors 2022 in New Hampshire.
Pranta Saha gives a talk at the Gordon Research Seminar on Defects in Semiconductors 2022 in New Hampshire.
New preprint by S. Majety, S. Strohauer, P. Saha, F. Wietschorke, J. J. Finley, K. Müller, M. Radulaski, Triangular Quantum Photonic Devices with Integrated Detectors in Silicon Carbide is now on arXiv.
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the IBM Quantum Educators Summit.
July 2022
New preprint by P. Saha, S. Majety and M. Radulaski, Photonic band gap formation in silicon carbide triangular cross-section photonic crystals is now on arXiv.
Prof. Radulaski gives an invited talk Quantum Nanophotonic Hardware With Integrated Color Centers at the Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022 in Maastricht, Netherlands.
Brinda Puri promotes quantum technologies at the CITRIS Inspire program for K-12 students at UC Davis.
June 2022
Prof. Radulaski has been elevated to the Senior Member status in the Optica professional society.
Prof. Radulaski and Sridhar Majety present at the Defects in Solids for Quantum Technologies conference in Stockholm, Sweden.
Sridhar Majety gives two seminars Silicon Carbide Quantum Photonics in Triangular Geometry at the University of Stuttgart and the Technical University in Munich.
Victoria Norman gives a talk All-Photonic Quantum Simulators With Spectrally Disordered Ensembles of Emitters at Optica's Quantum 2.0 conference.
May 2022
Prof. Radulaski is awarded the Goggle Research Scholar Award in the area of Quantum Computing for the project Q-MARINA: Quantum Mapping Algorithm of Resonator Interaction with N Atoms in collaboration with Prof. Marina Krstic Marinkovic, ETH Zurich.
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety for being elected as a president of the Optics Club of UC Davis.
Prof. Radulaski is awarded the Next Level Vision Initiative grant from the UC Davis College of Engineering for the project QuIST - Quantum Information Science and Technology.
R-Lab has been awarded a user grant from the DOE-funded LBNL Molecular Foundry for advanced nanofabrication of quantum nanophotonic devices and metalenses via angled ion beam etching in collaboration with Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo, UC Davis ECE.
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the 2022 NSF Engineering CAREER Workshop in the segment CAREER Awardee Q&As - Reflections from Recent CAREER Awardees.
April 2022
Prof. Radulaski and Victoria Norman moderate panels on QIS pedagogy and career navigation at the NSF funded HSI-SIS Quantum Information Workshop.
Eliana Mann, Brinda Puri, Anahita Pochiraju, Victoria Norman, Pranta Saha and Sridhar Majety present posters at UC Davis ECExpo 2022.
Prof. Radulaski delivers invited talks at ICNN2022 in Yokohama, Japan and BQIT:2022 Bristol, UK.
March 2022
Prof. Radulaski delivers MIT's Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering (iQuISE) seminar.
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Tristan Adams. Tristan is a junior in Computer Science, minoring in Electrical Engineering supported by the Laurence Louis Spitters Foundation scholarship. His skills in Python, C/C++ and Qiskit programming will be an asset to R-Lab's research projects.
Victoria Norman and Prof. Radulaski present at the APS March Meeting 2022.
February 2022
Prof. Radulaski delivers the Condensed Matter Seminar at UC Berkeley.
Prof. Radulaski is interviewed for The Quantum Insider.
January 2022
Prof. Radulaski gives an interview for Weekly Quantum World Detangled.
New preprint by J. Patton, V. A. Norman, et al. on All-Photonic Quantum Simulators With Spectrally Disordered Emitters is now on arXiv.
R-Lab welcomes two new undergraduate researchers - Eliana Mann and Anahita Pochiraju. Eliana is a junior majoring in Physics with a minor in Computer Science and research experience in condensed matter experiment. Anahita is a senior majoring in Computer Science and Engineering with research experience in computer security.
Prof. Radulaski joins Berkeley Lab Molecular Foundry User Executive Committee.
December 2021
Congratulations to Jesse Patton on getting a QIST job at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences. Jesse, we are proud of you!
A preprint of R-Lab's collaborative paper with Scalettar group (UC Davis Physics) on the Effect of Emitters on Quantum State Transfer in Coupled Cavity Arrays is now on arXiv.
Congratulations to Prof. Radulaski for winning the OneQuantum Award for the Leading Female Researcher in 2021, presented at Q2B conference by QuEra.
November 2021
News about R-Lab's new collaboration result in Nature Materials is covered by UC Davis Egghead, UC Davis College of Engineering, UC Davis ECE, University of Stuttgart, Phys.org, Science Daily, EurekAlert, Innovations Report, Eurasia Review, idw, Pro-Physik and Wwwhat's New.
Prof. Radulaski delivers the Engineering Colloquium at Sonoma State University.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a Special Seminar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Molecular Foundry.
R-Lab goes for a group retreat at Putah Creek (photos).
Prof. Radulaski gives the University of Washington Physics Colloquium.
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the Rare-Earth Asia Pacific Network seminar series.
New perspective preprint by S. Majety, et al. on Quantum Information Processing With Integrated Silicon Carbide Photonics is now available on arxiv.
R-Lab welcomes a new M.Sc. student - Raunaq Chopra. Raunaq is an electrical engineer with an undergraduate degree from UC Davis with focus in physical electronics and solid state devices.
October 2021
R-Lab goes to the Woodland Pioneer High School to introduce quantum nanophotonics to the STEM club (photos).
September 2021
New preprint of our international collaboration on triangular SiC color center photonics is now available on arXiv.
Prof. Radulaski delivers a seminar at the University of Stuttgart.
UC Davis ECE department writes about Prof. Radulaski's research and NSF CAREER award.
Prof. Radulaski gives the ETH Pauli Center Seminar Quantum Information Processing Based on Color Center Nanophotonics.
Prof. Radulaski gives a hands-on workshop on Quantum Networking and Quantum Computing at ETH Zurich. Read more about our group's QIST educational efforts.
August 2021
Sridhar Majety presents a poster Quantum Light Source with an Efficient Nanophotonic Fiber Interface at the 2021 Molecular Foundry User Meeting.
Prof. Radulaski gives an invited talk Quantum Information Hardware Based on Color Center Nanophotonics at Photonica 2021 conference in Belgrade, Serbia.
Prof. Radulaski is in a summer visit to the ETH Zurich Pauli Center for Theoretical Physics as a visiting researcher of Prof. Marina Krstic Marinkovic's group.
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the IBM Quantum Educator's Summit 2021.
July 2021
Prof. Radulaski gives an invited talk Silicon Carbide for Integrated Quantum Photonics at the the 31st International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS) held virtually in Oslo, Norway.
Prof. Radulaski gives a talk Quantum Information Hardware Based on Color Center Nanophotonics at the University of Muenster research seminar series on Current Issues of Nanophysics.
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety who has been reelected as the Optics Club of UC Davis treasurer.
June 2021
Congratulations to Victoria Norman and Pranta Saha for organizing the second year of successful Quantum Journal Club interdisciplinary meetings.
Congratulations to Miranda Bell on graduating with an undergraduate degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Miranda, we are proud of you! Read about Miranda's experience at UC Davis.
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety on winning the UC Davis Summer GSR Award.
May 2021
Victoria Norman, Pranta Saha, Sridhar Majety and Jesse Patton present posters at UC Davis ECExpo 2021.
R-Lab meets for a picnic by the UC Arboretum to celebrate persistence through the pandemic and other academic achievements (photo).
Prof. Radulaski and Sridhar Majety present an invited talk and a poster at OSA CLEO 2021.
April 2021
Sridhar Majety presents a talk Silicon Carbide Quantum Photonics in Triangular Geometry at the International Conference on Nano-Photonics and Nano-Electronics (ICNN) 2021.
March 2021
Victoria Norman presents a talk Multi-Emitter Cavity QED with Color Centers at the APS March Meeting 2021.
February 2021
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety for organizing a successful inaugural UC Davis Optics Club Symposium together with colleagues in the Optics Club.
Sridhar Majety, Victoria Norman, Pranta Saha and Jesse Patton present posters at the UC Davis Optics Club Symposium.
Davis Enterprise highlights Prof. Radulaski's NSF CAREER Award.
January 2021
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety and Victoria Norman for passing their qualifying exams for PhD candidacy!
Liang Li presents a virtual poster Quantum Photonics With Triangularly Shaped SiC Nanodevices at the Photonics Online Meetup.
Prof. Radulaski receives NSF CAREER award for the project entitled Scalable quantum photonics based on color center integration with angle-etched silicon carbide device.
December 2020
R-Lab throws a virtual holiday party (photo).
Prof. Radulaski's interview with the College of Engineering Marina Radulaski: Inspiring Women in STEM is published.
New preprint by Sridhar Majety, et al. on the modeling work on quantum photonics in triangular-cross-section nanodevices in silicon carbide is available on arXiv.
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the Second Quantum Revolution panel with David Awschalom, Chris Monroe, Jay Gambeta and Jeremy Levy, moderated by Chandrelekha Singh at the IIT2020: The Future is Now virtual conference.
November 2020
R-Lab has been awarded a follow on user grant from the DOE-funded LBNL Molecular Foundry for the development of a quantum light source with an efficient fiber interface in collaboration with Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo, UC Davis ECE.
R-Lab has been awarded an internal grant for work on color center quantum hardware from the UC Davis College of Engineering through the COVID-Impacted Research Funding.
October 2020
R-Lab throws a Fall quarter party in the Among Us game space shuttle (photo).
Prof. Radulaski delivers virtual seminars at the University of Texas, Dallas and Virginia Tech on Color Center Quantum Nanophotonics.
Victoria Norman, Sridhar Majety, Jesse Patton and Liang Li present about their winning quantum hackathon project Quid Pro Quo at the UC Davis Quantum Journal Club.
R-Lab installs a new optical cryostat cooling the Kemper Hall to unprecedented 1.6 Kelvin temperature (video, photo).
September 2020
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Brinda Puri. Brinda is a sophomore in Computer Engineering who was a CERN trainee and has background in C/C++ projects.
R-Lab welcomes a new Ph.D. student - Pranta Saha. Pranta is an electrical engineer with an honors undergraduate degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and research experience in photonic crystal modeling.
Prof. Radulaski speaks on the Educating and Enabling Quantum Workforce panel at the IBM Quantum Summit.
August 2020
Prof. Radulaski to give invited talks at the upcoming OSA conferences Frontiers in Optics 2020 (Quantum Electronics track) and CLEO 2021 (Micro- and Nano-Photonic Devices track).
July 2020
Prof. Radulaski joins the How to Get a Job in Quantum Computing online panel with Jay Gambetta, John Preskill, Monika Schleier-Smith, Birgitta Whaley and Steven Girvin at the Qiskit Global Summer School.
R-Lab gathers for a socially distanced picnic by the UC Davis Arboretum to celebrate recent graduations and victories (photo).
Congratulations to Victoria Norman, Sridhar Majety, Jesse Patton and Liang Li whose team won the California division of the Qiskit Summer Jam Hackathon, sponsored by IBM Quantum for the project Quid Pro Quo aimed for quantum education in classrooms and STEM outreach programs.
June 2020
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety who has been reelected as the Optics Club of UC Davis treasurer.
R-Lab publishes an invited review paper Novel Color Center Platforms Enabling Fundamental Scientific Discovery by Victoria Norman, Sridhar Majety, Zhipan Wang, William Casey, Nicholas Curro and Marina Radulaski.
Congratulations to Jesse Patton who has graduated with an undergraduate degree in Applied Physics and a minor in Computer Science. Jesse we are proud of your accomplishments!
Congratulations to Victoria Norman who received the UC Davis 2020-2021 Summer Graduate Research Award that supports graduate research with engineering-related applications and methods.
April 2020
Prof. Radulaski's paper recognized among top downloaded publications in Laser and Photonics Reviews in 2018-2019.
Sridhar Majety presents at the virtual meeting of the UC Davis Quantum Journal Club.
R-Lab throws an online party (photo) to celebrate the start of the Spring Quarter.
March 2020
Congratulations to Liang Li who has graduated with an undergraduate degree in Applied Physics. Liang, we are proud of you!
New preprint by Victoria Norman, et al. on the novel color center platforms role in fundamental scientific discovery, written in collaboration with the groups of Prof. Nicholas Curro (UC Davis Physics) and Prof. William Casey (UC Davis Chemistry), is available on arXiv.
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Jesse Patton. Jesse is a senior in Applied Physics with a minor in Computer Science, and training in machine learning and pulsed NMR.
R-Lab is temporarily closing the experimental operations in compliance with COVID-19 related instructions. The group is active on Zoom and Slack.
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the inaugural meeting of the UC Davis Club of Future Female Electrical Engineers (photo).
February 2020
Victoria Norman delivers a quantum programming workshop at the UC Davis Quantum Journal Club (photo, photo).
Sridhar Majety, Victoria Norman and Liang Li present a poster at the UC Davis ECExpo in the Silicon Valley (photos).
New optical tables installed in our renovated lab (video, video, video).
Sridhar Majety gives a talk at the UC Davis Biophotonics Meeting (photo).
January 2020
R-Lab starts a project at Berkeley Lab's Molecular Foundry (photos).
Sridhar Majety hosts the UC Davis hub for the Photonics Online Meetup (photos).
R-Lab goes out to celebrate 2020 (photo).
December 2019
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Miranda Bell. Miranda is a junior in Materials Science and Engineering, and an officer in the undergraduate Quantum Club.
Bavaria-California Technology Center seed funds R-Lab's new collaboration on quantum integrated circuits with Prof. Kai Mueller at TU Munich, Germany.
New publication in Nature Photonics on Prof. Radulaski's work on quantum photonics in silicon carbide with Prof. Jelena Vuckovic's group at Stanford University.
November 2019
Prof. Radulaski speaks at the Pioneer Women in STEM program at a local high school motivating students to join science and engineering fields.
Prof. Radulaski delivers Berkeley Nanoscale Science and Engineering Seminar on Color Centers and Quantum Nanophotonics.
October 2019
Prof. Radulaski, together with Prof. Weijian Yang and the Optics Club, organizes a UC Davis ECE event Bring Your Daughter/Niece to Work as a part of the Introduce a Girl to Photonics IEEE initiative.
Prof. Radulaski delivers UC Davis Physics Colloquium Quantum Information Processing Based on Quantum Nanophotonics.
Congratulations to Sridhar Majety for being elected as a treasurer in the Optics Club of UC Davis.
Sridhar Majety gives an interview about his clean room experience at the Center for Nano and Micro Manufacturing at UC Davis.
R-Lab goes bowling (photo) to kick off the Fall Quarter.
Prof. Radulaski and Victoria Norman, along with colleagues Dr. Fabio Anza and Prof. Andreas Albrecht launch Davis Quantum Journal Club - a monthly interdisciplinary discussion meeting on the advances in the quantum information realm.
September 2019
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk Quantum Information Processing Based on Color Centers (video) at the Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Japan per invitation of the National Academy of Sciences.
R-Lab welcomes a new undergraduate researcher - Liang Li. Liang is a senior in Applied Physics and has recently completed a research internship at Fermi Lab.
Prof. Radulaski attends the National Science Foundation workshop for new investigators.
August 2019
R-Lab is building its first confocal scanning microscope (video).
July 2019
New publication in Nature Communications on Prof. Radulaski's work on diamond photonics with Prof. Jelena Vuckovic's group at Stanford University.
New publication in Laser and Photonics Reviews on Prof. Radulaski's work on nanodiamond photonics integration with Prof. Jelena Vuckovic's group at Stanford University.
June 2019
New publication in Physical Review Letters on Prof. Radulaski's work on multi-emitter cavity quantum electrodynamics with Prof. Jelena Vuckovic's group at Stanford University.
Prof. Radulaski delivers an invited talk Nanophotonic Architecture for Machine Learning Hardware at the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Nanophotonics, IWANN2019, Spain.
May 2019
R-Lab has been awarded a year-long use of nanofabrication facilities at the Molecular Foundry for the development of a quantum light source with an efficient fiber interface in collaboration with Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo, UC Davis ECE (article).
Prof. Radulaski delivers invited seminars at the University of Vienna, Austria, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, and the Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia.
April 2019
R-Lab welcomes a new Ph.D. student - Victoria Norman. Victoria is a physicist with an honors undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a masters degree from UC Davis, and a post-baccalaureate fellowship experience from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She is jointly advised by Prof. Marina Radulaski in ECE and Prof. Nicholas Curro in Physics department.
R-Lab attends the UC Davis ECE Industrial Affiliates Symposium - Prof. Radulaski delivers a talk Quantum Nanophotonics for Advanced Information Processing, and Sridhar Majety presents a poster Quantum Technologies Based on Color Centers in Silicon Carbide.
New publication in Crystal Growth & Design on Prof. Radulaski's work on quantum well photonics with Prof. Jelena Vuckovic's group at Stanford University and Seth Bank's group at UT Austin.
Prof. Radulaski advocates for diversity as a panelist at the Recent Alumni Perspectives Panel at the Berkeley-Stanford Women in EE/CS Meetup.
Prof. Radulaski delivers invited talks at the Stanford University Photonics Retreat and the UC Davis Biophotonics Meeting.
March 2019
R-Lab welcomes its first Ph.D. student - Sridhar Majety. Sridhar is an electrical engineer with an undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and a masters degree from the University of Manitoba, Canada.
R-Lab has open its doors to students, experiments and collaborations.